Thursday, June 25, 2009

Beautiful Bowie Family

The Bowie family drove down from Edmonton to have their prego/family shoot done last week (I felt very honored that they made the trip!) so instead using the family home for the shoot we used our studio space. We had a blast. Little Ava, who's 2 was simply perfect. She loved hamming it up for the camera & very comfortable in the new surroundings as long as turtley was allowed to be in a few shots - I think Heather & Dan were amused at how much their little daughter loved being photographed. Thanks for making the trip guys, good luck with the rest of your pregnancy & enjoy the photos.

1 comment:

Dan & Heather said...

LOVE IT!! The photo's are great!! You really captured out little Ava, she had so much fun...and now poses even more for all pictures :) Thanks so much.