Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Pam & Jon's e-session

Hi everyone Matt here,
I had another wicked e-session on Sunday with two out-of-towners named Jon & Pam. Trish and I (with help from our two girls!) spent the morning scouting some new locations and to bounce a couple of ideas off each other hoping Jon & Pam were open to something a little different. When they arrived they told me to do what ever I wanted and that they were up for anything. I tell you, the juices were flowing and I think I captured some awesome images of these two. Thanks Jon & Pam for letting me run free!! I loved it!
here's a taste, what do you think? any comments?

Baer Family

Aric's 6 months photos on Saturday were great to shoot. Rich works for Harley Davidson (isn't that most little boy's dream job - and mom's nightmare?) so we had to incorporate a few images & have fun with that. Can't wait to see what toys this little guy aquires as he grows!

Isaiah - 3 months

Wow - time flies, it seems like last week this little cutie was just born. He certainly is developing into his own little person & his parents are loving every second. It's amazing how hard we work sometimes just to get a smile from babies - I threw in a photo of Isaiah's mom hard at work behind the scenes trying to get little Isaiah to look :) I love it.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Maddock Family

On Sunday I had the absolute pleasure of photographing a wonderful family that was every bit as warm & welcoming as their gorgeous house. Anyone who has ever seen and commented on my funky & original earrings or necklaces that I wear, this is the lady that creates them.
Check out her work @ stacey maddock designs & check out her lovely family below.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Justin & Melanie e-session

Hi everyone Matt here,
Last Sun. I had the pleasure of shooting these two love birds down in one of my favorite parts of Cowtown, Inglewood. As with most first timers in front of the camera, Justin and Melanie were feeling a little "awkward" but soon realized that all they had to be was themselves. I had a great time with you guys and both Trish and I are excited to shoot your big day. Cheers!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

April & Shane's Wedding - April 12, 2008

On Sat. we had the most perfect day to shoot a wedding. Gorgeous weather (20ºC), gorgeous bride (& the groom was pretty easy on the eyes as well), & a couple so obviously in love with each other with a love for life that was infectious to everyone around them. The day flew by & we did what we love to do best; Create fine art for modern love.

* there were tons of great images for this wedding - check back tomorrow for a slideshow

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Tegan & Darrell

We got together for a few quick photos with Tegan & Darrell (my sister & her fiance) on the weekend. The real engagemnet photos will be in a few months (cowboy/country theme - should be great), this shoot was just a warm up for fun.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Aidan & Nate

Little Nate was welcomed into this world 3 months ago by a very boisterus & loving older brother Aidan. Between the 2 boys Kim & Brad are kept very busy (understatement). Since they live in Toronto, I was excited to be able to capture their growing family here in Calgary - can't wait til you guys are back again for the next session.