Friday, August 21, 2009

Michelle & Andrew e-session

Over the years you meet many people who really care about their dogs. Then you meet people who REALLY LOVE their dogs. Michelle and Andrew are these people and it was so obvious that their little beagle, Darwin, was the real apple of their eye. After getting a bit of a late start (escaping from the office isn't always easy) we started shooting in and around the Kensington area (I had a pint at the pub prior - sorry Andrew!) then we headed up Bow trail to the top end of Edworthy Park. I had never shot up in this end of the city before and was excited to see such an amazing veiw of the city. Michelle & Andrew, thank you for a great time with you guys and Darwin. You have such a strong bond together and a deep love and respect. Say "Hi" to Darwin for me!

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